
Showing posts from February, 2020

Why You Should Be An Autodidact And How

Why You Should Be An Autodidact And How The world has changed, people are being replaced at work by computers that are able to do the job that you studied for at least  4 years, but it is fair that we include all those years you spent at primary and secondary school so lets put the number to 15 or 16 years. So a machine that is programmed for two days is replacing people who have been trained for 16 years, its tough. Jobs are becoming lesser and lesser by day in South Africa as more and more companies are retrenching people to accommodate their machines. What can you do to survive this and be able to get your self a job? Well, I think it is better to learn as many skills as possible, and you are not going to do that at school. School teaches you a specific skill for a certain period of time, that period is usually longer and demands plenty of time and money so it becomes almost impossible to learn many skills at record time, so school or any institution can not teach you many skill

I nearly died at a township school

I nearly died at a township school  When I was a young boy, at about 10 years of age, I had an anger that was unmatched; I was also taller than many of my class mates at school and had a very huge head. With that anger, I “talked” back at teachers and anyone who dared tell me anything I perceived to be “nonsensical” and I had the energy to disrupt a class when I wanted. So all of this made me very popular among school mates and unfortunately very unpopular among teachers, actually one could say teachers did not like me. So I went through the first five years of my primary school years as a kid that was said to be “disrespectful” ! This nearly killed my confidence and performance in school, actually in life. Kids do not know wrong or right, so they never really do something with having a entirely full understanding of how it affects others or how it is perceived, kids just reflect the environment of which they are from so to conclude that they are disrespectful and treat them in  a

Lets Boost The Katlehong Local Taxi Industry

Lets Boost The Katlehong Local Taxi Industry The taxi industry in Katlehong is breathing through the wound, it is dying day by day and this means that there will be yet another number added on the number of people who can not get through the day because of lack of something to do. This in return will also affect other businesses that are operating because of the taxi industry, this includes business like chicken dust(if you from the township you know what this is), car wash, street vendors, and petrol stations in Katlehong, so the number of people who will be affected by the demise of the taxi industry is far too large than what meets the eye. We all know what happens when a majority of people in a particular community do not work, social ills become pervasive, we get an increase in Gender Based Violence, drug and alcohol consumption, the spread of HIV and aides and crime becomes uncontrollable. This becomes a burden on the local government, and as it spreads to other townships, it

The Media Should Be A Tool Of Nation Building

The Media Should Be A Tool Of Nation Building. The media plays a huge part in nation building; in actual fact the   media educates the public more than the institutions of education and training do. This means that the media has the power to create a prototype of a desired society and design its environment by just shaping the minds of its audiences. The reason why the media is more influential in educating the society is because it delivers its content in a way that interests the audience, in a entertaining way, it is also because media devices are affordable and so they are in every home. Most people in our communities spend more time at home than anywhere else, those who are not home are mostly accessing media content through smartphones and portable radios. This means that, in today’s world, the media is everywhere where people are, making its influence ever strong. But we have to pause and ask ourselves, what type of education is this media feeding our society?, in other

Keep Education Free

Education should not be institutionalized, once it is institutionalized it becomes a mere program of indoctrination where a group of administrators(policy makers) prescribe a dose of pills(courses/subjects/framework) that will create a desired individual and a desired society while they suppress the gifts and the talents that the individual is born with. This is part reason why we are having many depressed individuals in our society today, this individuals are trapped in"careers" they do not enjoy, their lives are miserable because they are trying so had to be "accepted" by other fellow patients of Institutionalized Education. Today we are confronted by a new reality, a reality that requires constant innovation and creative out of the box thinking, we are quickly getting out off that age where we needed "trained" individuals for a specific task, those "trained" individuals are being replaced by trained machines that do the job faster and bette

Are We Using The Internet For Our Benefit?

Most young people do not really access the internet for information purposes; they access the internet for entertainment. This means that they are not looking for jobs or opportunities on the internet, they are looking for latest music, movies and access to social media. On social media, young people spend most time propagating ignorance, both directly and indirectly, aware and unaware seeking for acceptance and approval. Lets just say, the reality of young people in South Africa is so sad that they go to social media to escape it. So if we deliver courses online, we still have to find ways to attract young people to those courses or opportunities that will better their lives. So, what we have in South Africa is a internet that propagates a ignorant lifestyle, it is not yet a internet that betters people’s lives through the sharing and access of positive information, and this is made possible by the South African internet users themselves, there is no evil cooperation behind this, bu