
Showing posts from August, 2023

Dropped Out Of School? You can still get your life back!

  Don't let the setback of dropping out of school define your future. It is not over - there are still plenty of opportunities to get your life back on track and pursue your dreams. One way to make a positive impact while building new skills is to volunteer at a local non-profit organization (NPO). Not only will this allow you to give back to your community, but it can also provide valuable experience and connections that may lead to future opportunities. Another option is to take advantage of the vast array of free online courses available. These courses cover a wide range of subjects and can help you expand your knowledge and expertise in various fields. Whether it's learning coding from the comfort of your own home or exploring new interests like welding, these online resources offer flexibility and accessibility. If you feel that completing your education is essential, consider applying for a rewrite. Many educational institutions offer programs specifically designed for in

The Case For 50c Copies

  Why are we offering 50c CV copies? Are we crazy? Are we attention seekers or just desperate? No. Here is why we are dedicated to making outstanding Resume and copying them at a reasonable price for Job Seekers. In today's competitive scarce job market, having a well-crafted resume is crucial for job seekers. However, many individuals, especially those in disadvantaged areas such as townships or rural communities, face challenges when it comes to accessing affordable printing and copying solutions. We understand the importance of providing equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their financial circumstances. That is why our company is dedicated to offering affordable printing and copying solutions specifically tailored for job seekers. By providing cost-effective printing services, we aim to empower unemployed youth and individuals living in poverty-stricken areas to create professional resumes that stand out to potential employers. We believe that everyone deserv

Volunteer and Improve Your CV!

 Fresh out of high school and do not know what to do with your life?  Not all of high school learners get to jump straight to work or go on to further their studies at a institution of higher learning. Some find themselves not having been accepted to any institution or placed in a job. This usually lives many young people frustrated and stranded, looking at their peers with envy when they go to school or work. This needs not to be the case. "You do not have to sit on the couch the whole day if you do not want to" .  "You do not have to sit on the couch the whole day if you do not want to".You can instead go out there and learn new positive behavior that will add to your skillset and improve your curriculum vitae drastically, all the while you get to make new connections with people who can be greatly helpful in your life in future. You can get up and go volunteer your time to a local NGO or NPO that is in line with the career of your choice. Some NPO might have fund

How The "Spiritually Gifted" Learners add to the Chaos At Schools

  As of late, violence and chaos have been disturbing the learning process in the Katlehong schools. Learners have been reported to have beat up their fellow mates and their teachers. This has prompted  the communities near the schools to intervene and try to solve these problems themselves  with the help of other stake holders. i was invited by the parents to help them come up with solutions to these issues. We visited two schools in Katlehong, Fumana and Alafang, and our first task was to really look deeper and see the possible root causes of these problems. It did not take long for me to spot one possible root cause. Most of the classes we visited in these schools, if not all, had two or more learners who underwent "ukuthwasa". For those who do not know, Ukuthwasa is the Sacred process that trains African traditional doctors, prophets and herbsman. This than means, these schools have people with extra ordinary needs and extra ordinary abilities. This contributes to the Cha