I Will Rise Again

Rise, Rise, again
I will rise again
I shall shine again and then it will be permanent
My light will never perish again
My light will shine upon the people of the world
Those who thought I will fall will bow down on their nees

Oh You foolish haters
You fooled your self by thinking I will accept defeat
Ambitious and confident people like me don't accept defeat
Those like me always find a way to rise from the ground
Greater is our God, he never let his people down.
Watch with amusement as a ascend and occupy the highest place that you wont able to reach

Rise,Rise again
I will rise again
You will be watching when I rise
because you are foolish, you will ask how come
The whole city of my birth will respect me, they will look up to me
I will be the source of inspiration to many including your children

Oh You Foolish haters
You should have known that I will rise again
Now you wont be able to stop me
Your weapon will no longer work
Your schemes have lost power
I have seen and know your true colors
You cant fool me now, you have been exposed
I am rising, watch and see!


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