5 Things You Must Do As An Entrepreneur On A Daily Basis.

Well many people have ask me what makes me stay energetic, I don't usually give a direct clear answer but at least here I tried to be clear. I have compiled this list as an effort in answering that question, I have excluded the things that you do when you are working, things like checking emails and blah blah!

Read A Book/

Reading a book makes you updated and improves your planing method. So You must make room for at least one page or 2 a day. Bill Gates is one of those who does this, surely you would one to follow him.

Read A Newspaper

Business Newspapers are vital as they give you a brief of what is happening in the countries economy and business world then yo can be able to see how you can be affected. You can then edit your plan to either avid negative effects or capitalize on positive effects that might be brought by the winds of change.

Meet Someone New

Not just anyone, but someone who will add value to your network. You can meet them in meetings or just pay them a visit, this does not only improve your network, but improves your networking skills.

Do Something Fun/New

Understand that being an entrepreneur makes you automatically adventurous and requires you to be damn
innovative, having some good fun improves innovation and trying up new things gives you some needed creativity. Sir Richard Branson has more fun than any other big shot I know, surely even statistics can prove that.

Take A Break

Wow, I had to include, not sleeping does not mean not taking a break. Many people will brag about how they don't sleep making others believe that they don't take a break, not taking a break limits your creativity and might have a negative impact on your work ethic. You might end not liking work.


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