
Showing posts from December, 2019


Hi there, thank you for taking time to read this material. Here I am explaining to you a way/method that can help you live a progressive life, one which will make you fulfill your purpose. Of course this method does not cover every life aspect, but it just goes through the basic things that I think you should also view as important. I call this method People(P.E.O.P.L.E) and I really hope you will read this and try to adopt it should you feel the need to. I would also like to engage with you further if you have some clarity seeking questions or a feedback. PURPOSE The first P in people stands for purpose. The first thing that you should know in your life is the reason why you have been given life. You must know the reason for your existence before attempting to move anywhere, understanding purpose will help you set out the destination that you want to move to, you can not just move without knowing why you must move. So find your purpose and gather understanding of it, understandi

Concerning Soulmate/s

Love is spirit to spirit, not flesh to flesh. Flesh  to flesh is lust, not Love. So love does not look at what one has or possess, but it is attracted to the inner being, the soul/spirit, which has no material possession but its own pure form from time immemorial. Since Love is spirit to spirit, it means that it does not have anything to do with the age of someone since there is no age in spirit but eternity. The BIBLE tells us that there is no time with God “who is a spirit), our 1 day can be his 1 year and our 1 year can be 1 second in him. In Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verse 1, the Wiseman Solomon puts it very well that there is time for every purpose under the heaven (on the foundations of the earth), not below the heaven (firmament) which is the spiritual realm.  By this I mean that, a 30 year old Man can be genuinely in love with a 19 year old girl or vice versa, for it is spirit and spirit that are in love. Our spirits are forever, we cannot attach age to our spirits. We were cho