Hi there, thank you for taking time to read this material. Here I am explaining to you a way/method that can help you live a progressive life, one which will make you fulfill your purpose. Of course this method does not cover every life aspect, but it just goes through the basic things that I think you should also view as important. I call this method People(P.E.O.P.L.E) and I really hope you will read this and try to adopt it should you feel the need to. I would also like to engage with you further if you have some clarity seeking questions or a feedback.
The first P in people stands for purpose. The first thing that you should know in your life is the reason why you have been given life. You must know the reason for your existence before attempting to move anywhere, understanding purpose will help you set out the destination that you want to move to, you can not just move without knowing why you must move. So find your purpose and gather understanding of it, understanding it also means that you have to know the good that is carried by your purpose and the not so good that it might have, this will help you to overcome challenges, you will know that whatever that will come your way when you are in the process of fulfilling your purpose is not meant to destroy you but to equip you with what you need to get through to fulfillment.
Purpose will also help you identify the things that you should do and the friends that you should keep, you will never keep friends who will talk you out of your purpose or lead you into doing the things that make it hard for you to stay in line with your purpose. When we know our Purpose, we will never settle for anything less.

The first E on people stands for energy. Energy is one of the precious things that you are given, in fact you would have not been alive if it was not of you having energy. So in order for you to live, you need energy, energy is the ability to do work. What this means is that your purpose also depends on the energy you have in order for it to be fulfilled. So when God gave us purpose, he also gave us the energy that we need. If you start first by knowing and understanding purpose, you will be able to locate much required energy towards fulfilling your purpose, you will know what amount of energy is to be invested on a particular task, if a task wont get you where you want to be(fulfilling your purpose), you would know not to invest too much attention on it. Most people are not where they want to be in life because they have misused their energy, they have given too much energy to useless things, such as that now they have not enough left.
Each and every appliance in your house needs certain level of energy(volts) in order for it to do what it is manufactured to do(fulfill purpose), if you feed that appliance many volts that it could take, it will blow up and also if you give it less energy than the one needed it will never function. This also applies to us as humans, if we invest too much energy we will get tired before we even finish our mission and if we apply less energy we will not finish our purpose at record time, we might not even finish at all. So it is important to understand our energy and how to apply it on our purpose in life!

The O in p.e.o.p.le stands for Occupation. Firstly you have to control what occupy your mind, what you think about most of the time. Your thoughts are the ones that turn to influence your actions, and your actions will influence the outcomes of your life. Let me try to explain it in these words also; what occupy your mind influences a habit and your habit plays a huge role in shaping your character. Now if you want to be successful in life, in other words if you want to fulfill your purpose, you must have a character that is in line with your aspirations, your character should well represent your values and your mission statement. Most of the time people talk about what they want to be but their character contradicts their statements, sometimes others try by all means to act on their statements but they do not get that much far because people are not even convinced by what they do because the person that they are misrepresents what they do. So you should occupy yourself with thoughts that will help build the character that will well represent your aspirations, and you do that by consuming content related to what you want to achieve, from the books your read to the music you listen to and the friends you keep.
Secondly you must occupy an environment that helps you execute your purpose. It’s like selling, you need to be in an environment (market) that is actually interested in the product that you are selling. So it is important to find a space where what you do will be appreciated and will add value on the lives of people. There are many people with great talents and gifts but we do not know them and they do not know the potential they have because they are not in an environment that challenges them to expose what they have and get appreciation, others are even exposing what they have in environments that do not see the need of their gifts.

Well, there is no fruitful method or approach of life that excludes planning, planning is a vital part of human progress, even though some progress can be made without a plan, it is always advisable to have a plan. So you should really have a plan on what you are going to do, in other words, you should have a plan on how you will fulfill your purpose.  A plan can be just in your brain, but it won’t be that much effective than a plan that is clearly detailed on a piece of paper or written on a computer program, when you can see your plan, it becomes easy to follow it and also to edit it where necessary.
A plan will help you with the points that I have mentioned above. A plan should first and for most state what your purpose is and the vision thereof. It should also detail the energy you are going to use on what task in a form of time and date, so you must know how long a certain task will be done and from which day to what day and state what kind of people you will need to help you move from one point of your life to another, all this must be in a plan. Your plan must also help you identify spaces that you will have to occupy so that your mission can be executed, you must identify environments where your gifts will be appreciated and how/when you will occupy that space.  

Now when you have done all of the above, you become fit enough to lead a way forward, by this I mean that you know start to command your life to be progressive because you know where you want to go and how to get there, you are no longer confused, you are no longer waiting on anyone to tell you what to do and when, you are in charge now because you have the necessary tools that you need. When you take a lead of your life, you start to determine the direction that it must take, you make decisions and because you are the leader, you will never ever blame people for your shortcomings. The major reason why people do not reach for their dreams is because they are so focused on blaming other people for their shortcomings in life and they are waiting on people to feel sorry for them.
Leading also means that you will be in charge of communicating your vision to people and will be in charge of managing any confusion related to what you have communicated. You also have to be the one who will take yourself out there, that’s another thing that you should do as a leader, move yourself from the couch or your boring employment and go after your dreams, go after that thing that you so feel like going after without waiting for anyone else to pick you up. The thing is, people mostly choose to pick up people who are already on their way up, they just assist with levels that might be a bit hard. So lead, and others will follow and start to assist you where they see fit.

Execution is action, with all that I have said here, your life will not change that much if you do not take action. You must execute all that I have talked about. Executing is working, every time when you execute a task you are taking a step forward, so if you do not execute then it simply means that you are not moving. What I like the most about execution is that it also allows you to learn, yes, you must learn certain things as you go on with fulfilling your purpose in this world and you will not learn those things if you are doing nothing. Your plan might still need to be edited, your environment might still need to be changed and you will only know that if you act on what you have. You are going to make mistakes, you are still going to fail in some things but all that will teach you something, it will make you realize something in your path that you were not going to realize should you have not acted, so you become better and better as you learn from your mistakes.
In life you get stronger and stronger as you do something, we become wiser and better as we act. But there is something called pain that we encounter as we act, pain seems to be against us when we experience it, it becomes as if you are attacked when you fail, but that is not true, what pain does is open more room for us to grow bigger and better. Do you know that your body produces more cells when your skin gets cut? Our skin becomes extra strong after being hurt, it produces extra cells that benefits the whole body, that is why getting hurt is part of growing up! So many people avoid execution because they fear that they will get hurt, but it is all part of growth that cannot be avoided.

I would also like to share this at your church, school, or gathering if you think people deserve to here it so do contact me via email: Baanetse.machona@Gmail.com.
Baanetse (Boshomane) Machona


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