Concerning Soulmate/s

Love is spirit to spirit, not flesh to flesh. Flesh  to flesh is lust, not Love. So love does not look at what one has or possess, but it is attracted to the inner being, the soul/spirit, which has no material possession but its own pure form from time immemorial. Since Love is spirit to spirit, it means that it does not have anything to do with the age of someone since there is no age in spirit but eternity. The BIBLE tells us that there is no time with God “who is a spirit), our 1 day can be his 1 year and our 1 year can be 1 second in him. In Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verse 1, the Wiseman Solomon puts it very well that there is time for every purpose under the heaven (on the foundations of the earth), not below the heaven (firmament) which is the spiritual realm.  By this I mean that, a 30 year old Man can be genuinely in love with a 19 year old girl or vice versa, for it is spirit and spirit that are in love. Our spirits are forever, we cannot attach age to our spirits.
We were chosen before the foundations of this earth(before we were placed under the heaven), meaning that we had already been alive and interacting as souls before we inhabited this bodies. In 'Jeremiah 1:5, God says to the prophet,” I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb”, he does not say “I formed you before I formed you in your mother’s womb”. This means that God had seen Jeremiah before Jeremiah was conceived in Flesh, not only him, God has seen all of us and we knew each other in spirit. Most people we know now are the people we were mates with before the foundations of this earth, when we were spirits just. We have actually, more than one soul/spirit mates with different levels of bond, this are the people we knew, befriended, or Loved before the foundations of this earth. This explains why we Love or admire people at first glance/encounter.  This is evident in Luke 1 V41, when the Pregnant Mary greeted the pregnant Elizabeth, John leaped. The reason John leaped in his mother’s womb was because his spirit was able to sense the spirit of Jesus whom he knew before he was even conceived in the Womb. I would like us to note that Mate is another word for Partner, meaning that those who are our soul/spirit mates are our partners in our purpose or calling. So everyone whom we feel connected to in some way, are people who must help us in a way to get through with our purpose. The bigger the role that this souls/spirits have in our purpose, the stronger the bond. As a matter of truth, the stronger bond of them all is Love, yes. The soul mate with a much bigger role in our purpose is the one that we Love. Not infatuated to, or lust, but Love. And as I have said earlier on, Love is not flesh to flesh, it does not look at age or gender, it is spirit to spirit.  Lets use Jonathan and David as an example; Jonathan helped to save David from Saul and taught David the ways of a King, which by far was one of the key things taught to David by a man, in other words, Jonathan played a huge role in the purpose of David. And the Bible in 1 Samuel Chapter 18 tells us that the soul of Jonathan was knit with that of David, and they Loved each other. Note: THEY LOVED EACH OTHER, THEY DID NOT LUST AFTER ONE ANOTHER.
Our concept of Love has been polluted by many factors, by most of all by the fall of men, when we started to value what the flesh wants or feels more than what the spirit wants or feels. We have been held captive by the standard of this world which has corrupted our spiritual nature. We force ourselves to fake love people based on what they have in the flesh and forge bonds with those whom we think can help us attain our material goals. That is why there is so much depression and instability in the world. If we want true Love, let us listen to the spirit, our spirit which is us. Let me also impart understanding to yourself that the reason why most of the times those whom we Love are of a different sex is because in this foundations God made the helper/partner to be of opposite sex, but to others it’s the same sex. Love does not force people to mate, lust does that. So we do not necessarily lust those we Love. Lust is there for mostly Biological reasons of reproduction and a male lusts a female and a female lusts a male, not same sex. I like also to clarify that the reason why males marry young females is only based on biological matters, such as delivering a healthy child and exercising totalitarian control over the wife. And if we carefully read the apostle Paul’s advices on marriage, he only advices us to marry so that we can control our lusts, not because we Love.

Glory be to Christ


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