Making Loxions a Place To be Proud of!!

I remember very well when we were growing up we used to deny our place of birth and of residence, we mentioned suburbs whenever someone who does not live near us would ask. The thing is, we were obviously ashamed of our neighborhood and background. Some of my childhood friends still carry this same feeling with them  and can not wait to get out of loxion when-ever they get all the money needed to abandon the area. They will do something that most of people here have done, live the situation as it is and go to live at the developed areas somewhere else. Areas with lots of opportunities, with no noise, and a very low level of Alcohol consumption, Woman abuse, and child headed homes. They emigrate to those areas where by most people have a huge desire for success and they poses positive minds, things that you mostly did(not)/do-not find in my soon to be ex neighborhood.

For your information, My soon to be ex neighborhood is a hood, we call either loxion or township here and this areas we wish to emigrate to we call suburbs. People have been moving out since the emergence of black middle class in late 90's and those who did not make it to the middle class are left in loxion. There are many hoods that are just like my hood in SA and much the same things happen and people are faced with much similar problems. This hoods(Loxions) form are very huge part of South Africas population mind you, meaning that many South Africans wish to live in suburbs and very few make it, the large part keeps on wishing. The thing is, those who live for suburbs are actually people with capabilities to change the situation in the township, they are the ones who can make loxions a place to be proud of. There is an African proverb that says "charity begins at home", this is exectly what people need to do before they live for developed cities, put an effort in the betterment of the loxion that made them what they are. It takes a village to raise a child and so some of the good qualities that an individual has were imparted by the village that raised him or her. Paraphrasing eisntein words, everyday you must remind yourself  that your inner and outer life are based on labors of other men, living and dead,that you must exert yourself  in order to give in the same measure as you have received and still are recieving.

So this is what we are all about now, we are about pushing development in our own hoods before we live so that we can create a better life and neighborhood for our brothers and sister. We the current generation have came to an realization that it is no longer about us only, it is also for those who are still coming. So if you are not yet part of this generation I am talking, your time is now, join the movement of brilliant young minds, join the loxion managemnt movement and do your part ko kasi lahao.


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