Vote Me President

Vote Me President my People
Vote Me President people of South Africa
I have heard your loud voices crying,
crying for help, crying for deliverance from the wicked leaders you have voted for
I heard you screaming from the far places of Limpopo and the eastern cape
I had your voices coming from khaya e licha, begging for houses
I had your voices coming from Giyane, begging for proper infrastructure

I have heard you, and here I am, vote Me president
As president, I will wipe out your tears, not only will you get good houses, you will get luxury houses
As president, each and every community will look like a suburb, like basonia.
Every household will own a Samsung plasma tv, every child a Ipad.
I will make it a point that each and everyone ready for employment is employed
Education will be absolutely free, including private schools.

Vote Me President, Vote Me President My People
Everyone who votes for me will get a lunch bar
Those who loby for me will get free houses in Sandton
Every Media House that part of my campaign will get free channels on Dstv
Funding my campaign is a good business move because once I become president I will give you tenders on a silver platter

I will make every first month of December a free beer day, Everyone will get free beers
Mondays will be holidays, All those who fought against apartheid will be honored on Monday.
I will nationalize all the malls, and edgars..I will make sure that affordable prices are placed on clothes.

Vote Me president........Vote Me president


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