Why I Hate School

I am not really a fan of school, though I am a fan of education. Myself I have been involved in many education based projects and have also contributed a lot to the education of my community, I was the brains behind the establishment of a library in my former high school and also seat in the board of the Library committee at the local library in my community. this shows how much I love education, school on the other hand is not my favorite. When I was at high school, I would spend most time doing activist activities rather than being in a class, I still passed matrick without failing. I really think that school is a prison that serves a purpose of conditioning our way of thinking and a conditioned way of thinking limits the creativity of oneself.

In school, people are thought to cram, pass, then forget when they go to the next grade, thats not what education is about. When I was a learner, I have learn that most of learners depend largely on the textbook for answers, they can  noot use their minds to come up with an answer. This is still happening now at college. As Suli Breaks said, "Education is a key to success whilst school is a lock". School kills people and that makes me sick. If you dont say an answer they have in mind you are wrong, in school you do not have to question what the teacher teaches you, even if its just nonsense. The school system produces robots that are less effective compared to the mechanical robots. I argue with my teachers more than other people in their lives probably does.

I dont feel free when I am in school, when I want to do something, I have to ask a lecture or teacher for permission, I think I am an adult for me to be still begging for permission to do such stuff. The other thing I hate about school is the list of orders that must be fol,lowed and those who break them are not even given a chance to explain themselves, school is a prison and so if one wants her child to be progressive, simply home school him/her.


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