You Should Try Out Night Surfing

Picture by FreePick
Night Surfing is  not ideal for many people, and that is because at 12am they want to be asleep, not up busy on the internet. But the thing is, the very same “most” people are unemployed, that means they do not have much to do  from the Morning until Midday, so why do they want to sleep if there is nothing they are saving their energy for?, I mean there is enough time to sleep from the Morning(around 8am) until the afternoon, you can use that time to rest. So the reason why “most” people prefer to be sleeping at 12am is because they are used to be asleep during 9pm and 4am, they do not have any other reason besides that. Well if you are one of those people, you might be losing out on all the benefits of Night Surfing.

We all know that South Africa’s population is composed by majority of young people, and that most of those young people are unemployed, making it hard for them to afford daily bread, airtime, and data. Actually, young people in South Africa use the money they can be buying bread with to by data that will connect them to popular social networking sites like facebook, twitter or whatsap, these data bundles are the affordable ones with whatsapp data being more affordable than the rest at just R30 per months. The reason one young people use up their money to buy data bundles instead of bread is because in today's world, communication is seen to be most important, it is through being online that one has many opportunities of getting employment, so they do not take the risk of being offline for just two days. But, the problem is, being online in social networking sites only gives young people access to not even 10% of information that is on the internet. These social networking data bundles do not give access to other websites, including search engines. Meaning that still, young people can not search for jobs or apply to their favorite post on a certain company’s website or make an online application to their university of choice.

Yet, it is not a hopeless situation, there is still an opportunity for young people to access all the opportunities that are on the internet, but they will have to change their routines and sleeping patterns, they have to be up at 12am. Most South African network providers have a data bundle popularly known as the Night Surfer Bundle, or simply The Night Bundle. This bundle is very affordable, but only gives you access to the internet for about 7 hours. A lot can be done on the internet for 7 hours, this includes searching for a job, applying for it, sending emails, or updating a blog then come the next following day to check up on responses and feedbacks. The good thing is, when you are busy on the internet, you do not have much activity happening around you, meaning that you get to concentrate on what you are doing without being disturbed, unlike during the day when every one is wide awake and making noise. These are some of the advantages of Night Surfing:

  • Less Traffic On The Internet: Less traffic means that your  varsities website is not visited by many people, which will make submitting assignments much faster, also online applications will not freeze time and again. There will never be too many notifications distracting you because most people who are on social network will be asleep, giving you space to get done with what you are doing.
  • Less Pressure and More Ease: During the day everything seems to be moving very fast and people seem to be getting their lives together, this makes you feel uneasy, you feel like life is moving on and leaving you behind, you end up getting increased level of stress and depression knocks at your door as pressure piles up. At night, people are asleep and almost nothing is at work, all you hear is the sound of the ticking clock and the cricket up on your walls, no pressure, you feel at ease, relaxed, and inspired. You feel in control and so you have all the will to get your life altogether.
  • Fresh Air: We all know the fresh air that takes place at night, the cars, the industries, and the people that burn fuels that pollute our air are inactive, so you breath fresh air that gives refreshed energy and inspiration, you get to be creative and innovative.
Working during the night is very uplifting and life changing, when you wake up in the morning you have no stress nor worries because you know that you have done your work during the time when everyone was asleep, so you do not feel like everyone is working but not you. When companies respond to your emails, when your university applications are replied, people will wonder when you got all the time to do work and you will rejoice at the fruits of your labor. 

Dare to be different, stop forcing yourself to be like everyone else and wake up when they wake up, sleep when they sleep and breath as they breath, you won’t really achieve much in life by being like everyone else. Change your sleeping patterns and you will start changing the rest of the things that need changing in your life. It is said that we all have 24 hours each day, all of us, but we all use these 24 hours in unique ways, the most progressive people in our world use most of their 24 hours and they do that in smart ways. Don’t you think that being able to work at 12am will eventually give you the ability to use most of your 24 hours efficiently? I think so! 


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