Over the past decade we have seen more women opting to date younger guys, from celebrities, to presidents and normal people. South African actress, Khoni Furgerson and the wife of French President Emanuel Makron are among those women who decided to follow their heart and not allow the age gap to stop them from fulfilling their happiness and judging from the distance, one could tell that they are happy indeed. There are many reasons why these kind of relationships tend to be healthy for older women, they vary from individual to individual but I will list some of the common factors below:
·        Matching sexual drive: Women’s libido seems to increase as they grow older while men’s libido on the other side decreases as they get older, this means that it is younger guys who have the sexual drive that can match that of older women. In every relationship, sexual energy plays a huge role and most of the times happiness becomes absent in a relationship where the other partners needs are not met.
·        Clarity: Older women have less to no time for games, they have done that before and found it to be less interesting so they install that habit of telling the truth without doubts or fear in a relationship and younger guys accept that (unlike older guys) because it makes them go through with the relationship without fearing judgment, everything is in the open.
·        In Charge: Patriarchy has weighed heavy on women for centuries and centuries, in most relationships that women get into, patriarchy creeps in and drowns their voices. But this barely happens in a situation where a woman is dating a younger guy, the younger guy is mostly open to the idea of the older woman taking charge of the direction of the relationship as he acknowledges that the woman has seen more in life and therefore her experience makes her a sober leader.
·        Validation: Like it or not, we all seek validation from our partners, and compliments there and there. Most men are attracted to younger girls, they somewhat think that beauty is in young, such takes away the attention that older women should be getting from their partners and directs it to younger girls, leaving older women filling unwanted and less attractive. This whole feeling changes when a younger guy gets attracted to a older women and see the beauty in her that others fail to see, this makes women feel wanted and important, a very good feeling to have.
These are just some of the few reasons why dating younger guys can be healthy for older women who are single, they are many and vary from individual to individual, as I have stated before. To some, the idea of being open to casual sex is what attracts them to dating younger guys as they do not want to go through that long process of meeting the parents and planning a wedding, so the reasons for dating younger guys also are not the same. It is wise also to note that our continent(Africa) still has stereotypical views about this sort of arrangement and they might attack you for dating a younger guy, but this should not stop you from going for what you want. Men have been dating younger girls for a long time and now it is the norm, so what stops women from doing the same thing?


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