
Showing posts from October, 2015

Why I Hate School

I am not really a fan of school, though I am a fan of education. Myself I have been involved in many education based projects and have also contributed a lot to the education of my community, I was the brains behind the establishment of a library in my former high school and also seat in the board of the Library committee at the local library in my community. this shows how much I love education, school on the other hand is not my favorite. When I was at high school, I would spend most time doing activist activities rather than being in a class, I still passed matrick without failing. I really think that school is a prison that serves a purpose of conditioning our way of thinking and a conditioned way of thinking limits the creativity of oneself. In school, people are thought to cram, pass, then forget when they go to the next grade, thats not what education is about. When I was a learner, I have learn that most of learners depend largely on the textbook for answers, they can  noot u

Vote Me President

Vote Me President my People Vote Me President people of South Africa I have heard your loud voices crying, crying for help, crying for deliverance from the wicked leaders you have voted for I heard you screaming from the far places of Limpopo and the eastern cape I had your voices coming from khaya e licha, begging for houses I had your voices coming from Giyane, begging for proper infrastructure I have heard you, and here I am, vote Me president As president, I will wipe out your tears, not only will you get good houses, you will get luxury houses As president, each and every community will look like a suburb, like basonia. Every household will own a Samsung plasma tv, every child a Ipad. I will make it a point that each and everyone ready for employment is employed Education will be absolutely free, including private schools. Vote Me President, Vote Me President My People Everyone who votes for me will get a lunch bar Those who loby for me will get free houses in San

My Kind Of A Woman

I can not stand I can not stand a ignorant woman I can not stand a non-carrying woman A woman must care, about herself and others A woman loves and loves all without a limit. I despise this woman who lacks wisdom She has nothing positive to teach her offspring She does not give time to be with her offspring All she gives time is sleep or gossiping She shares gossip with hard working woman When others mind their own business, she mind theres. I despise this kasi chicks who always want a kota(Bunnie chow) when you check them up.

I Will Rise Again

Rise, Rise, again I will rise again I shall shine again and then it will be permanent My light will never perish again My light will shine upon the people of the world Those who thought I will fall will bow down on their nees

5 South African Entrepreneurs That Inspire Me(Both Young And Old)!

This are people that I kinda look up to, not that look up to done by amateur and people who are still up and coming, but that kinda look up to that Khanye gives Jay Z nah mean.  This list is inorder. 1: Herman Mashaba  Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Leswikeng Minerals and Energy Limited and Founder Of Black Like Me 2: Cyril Ramaphosa Deputy President OF SA Owned Macdonal Franchise And Was Involved with Shanduka. Own a Buffalo!

5 Things You Must Do As An Entrepreneur On A Daily Basis.

Well many people have ask me what makes me stay energetic, I don't usually give a direct clear answer but at least here I tried to be clear. I have compiled this list as an effort in answering that question, I have excluded the things that you do when you are working, things like checking emails and blah blah! Read A Book/ Reading a book makes you updated and improves your planing method. So You must make room for at least one page or 2 a day. Bill Gates is one of those who does this, surely you would one to follow him. Read A Newspaper Business Newspapers are vital as they give you a brief of what is happening in the countries economy and business world then yo can be able to see how you can be affected. You can then edit your plan to either avid negative effects or capitalize on positive effects that might be brought by the winds of change. Meet Someone New Not just anyone, but someone who will add value to your network. You can meet them in meetings or just pay